190 Bronz-Glow Way | St. Augustine, FL | 32095 | (904) 824-7887

Underwater Inspection and Location Services

If your underwater features aren't located electronically you don't know where they are.

Our Commercial Divers have located thousands of miles of underwater pipe and cable for corporations such as CSX, ATT, Bell South and all major companies involved in the transmission and distribution of Natural Gas and Petrolium. As a world leader in Underwater Pipeline Location with electronic devices, you can be certain your pipeline is where we say it is, and that it is not in the path any construction you under take.

The key to all Underwater Pipeline Services is LOCATION. The only way to know the route of your pipeline is to locate it electronically. We locate with the Underwater MetroTech 850 - designed to electronically pinpoint the location of pipelines in underwater conditions with low to zero visibility. There is no guess work, We KNOW exactly where your pipeline is, the depth of cover and can accurately measure corrosion directly over the line.

Companies without electronic locators can only attempt to locate your pipeline by taking sightings from immersion and emersion points and/or probing the bottom hoping to hit something that may -- or may not be -- your pipeline. PMC is called in to locate and repair pipe broken by construction because it was mis-located by other marine companies.



You're wasting money on Corrosion Services if you don't know where your pipeline is.

If you aren't locating your pipeline electronically you don't know where your lines are. If so, you are most likely wasting your money measuring corrosion. Your readings may just reflect bottom measurements.

With the Underwater MetroTech 850 our divers accurately measure corrosion with your 1/2 cell directly over the pipe, not dragging behind an operator's boat. With the Underwater MetroTech 850 we can map pipe and measure corrosion up to an 8 foot depth.

Pipe to Soil

Professional Marine Consulting will locate your companies pipeline from bank to bank, even in "Zero Visibility" conditions utilizing the Metro-Tech 850 underwater pipeline locator. PMC's pipeline locating system can tell our Clients how deep their pipeline is buried under the river bottom. Can you say that about the company currently inspecting your pipelines? Electrolyte readings on pipelines are obtained by using the MC Miller RE-5 Electrode with submersible adapter and FLUKE 73III multimeter/p>



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Copyright 2011 Professional Marine Consulting Co. a Division of Bomo Inc.
Commercial Divers
190 Bronz Glow Way | St. Augustine, FL 32095
(904) 824-7887